Tag Archives: Learning

esl4word wikispace

Update –

It has been a while since the last lesson installment, however I hope the resources I have provided have benefited your teaching needs and were received well by your students.

My departure from Japan brought this blog to a halt, but not because I was fed up with life as an ESL teacher.  Actually, I felt the need to advance my skills, to delve deep into the world of EFL education, so that’s where I am today.  I have moved from the role of teacher to student and currently trying my hardest to complete an MSc in TESOL, which is demanding, but I’m enjoying every minute.   It’s early days yet, but I hope this course can help me on my way to become a better teacher.  From this experience, what is fascinating is; the more you learn the more you don’t know…  If anything, this course is teaching me to keep on top of what is out there, talk to people, share thoughts and ideas, and learn from others.  Which brings me to my new direction with this blog.  Until I can expand on what is here already, I need to learn more about the exciting possibilities of what I suppose is post-modern teaching, so I have created a wiki space, which opens up a platform for us teachers to learn from one another because I know everyone has great thoughts and ideas.  Let’s share them!


If you are intrigued, please request access by clicking on the link and offer a little info about yourself, where you are in the world and the types of contexts you are or have been teaching in.

I’m looking forward to your input – that’s the only rule 🙂 .


Hope to hear from you soon 🙂